
By Anna Myers
Era: Revolutionary war America (Connecticut)
Rating: 3 1/2 stars
Era: Revolutionary war America (Connecticut)
Rating: 3 1/2 stars
Some may know that patriot Nathan Hale's last words were: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." But what was Nathan Hale's history? What lead him to be hanged as a spy for the rebels? In this story, Myers tells the tale of peaceful young schoolmaster Nathan Hale and in alternating chapters tells of young Jonah, one of Nathan's fervent pupils who is living with his Tory cousin, Samuel Hale, after the death of his parents. Nathan is idealistic and as news filters in about the injustices done to Boston via their ruling land of England, he begins to find his sympathies lie more and more with the rebels. However, he still hopes for a peaceful resolution. Meanwhile, his cousin Samuel sides firmly with the king, and is garnering more and more illwill from the townfolk. Jonah feels caught in-between for he does not want to be on either side. But when word of the battle at Lexington and Concord reaches Nathan, he knows it is time for him to sign up with the Continental Army and fight for freedom. Meanwhile, Samuel Hale, with his family and Jonah and his sister in tow, head to New York to avoid the ire of the town. It is when Jonah sees his old schoolmaster again in New York that he discovers a terrible truth about Nathan Hale--a truth that will haunt him forevermore. Readers will learn about the sacrifices that Nathan made for his conviction and the hard choices that a person like Jonah must make for what he believes in.