Neil Armstrong Is My Uncle & Other Lies Muscle Man McGinty Told Me
By Nan Marino
Era: 1969 New York State
Rating: 3 3/4 stars
Era: 1969 New York State
Rating: 3 3/4 stars
It is summer and Tamara is hot, but not with the heat. No, she is hot under the collar at Douglas "Muscle Man" McGinty, the new kid on her street who does nothing but tell outrageous fibs like having Neil Armstrong for an uncle or singing on Broadway. Tamara can't wait until Muscle Man gets his comeuppance for his lies and stories, but no one seems as interested in it. Of course, there is a lot more going on on Ramble Street than just Muscle Man's tall tales. Tammy is missing Kebsie, her best friend, who lived in the same house Muscle Man is now--at Mrs. Kutchner's, who takes in foster kids--and Kebsie left without a goodbye over a month ago. Add to the mix her less than happy family, especially with her brother Tim absent. When Muscle Man boasts that he is the best kickball player on the street, Tammy knows he has finally gone too far and an epic game is begun--all of Ramble Street versus Muscle Man. But not even a gigantic score against him can wipe the smile off of Muscle Man's face. And just when Tammy thinks she can't take it any more, tragedy strikes the heart of the street and makes her rethink everything. Experienced readers may see what is going on long before Tammy ever does, and may wonder whose side they would take on Ramble Street--Tammy's or Muscle Man's? An interesting story set during the time of the Vietnam War and the first moonwalk that should hold reader's attention.
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